Little Miss Playthings!

Hello people of the universe! I am back! (as constantly requested) Sorry I havn't posted in awhile! Busy, busy, busy!

Well, today I entered the Little Miss Playthings contest on the Agplaythings forum. Well, tequnecily the LITTLEST Miss Playthings contest. I hope I win! This is the first Agplaythings contest that I've ever entered!
Now for my rant...
UGH! Markie and Christine are going insane about Ma planning on buying an autographed Night Court script! It's driving me crazy! If you ask me, 65 bucks is a lot of money for a script, even if it is autographed by Markie Post. Supposivly it's real but how do you really know? Before 65 dollars is wasted I'm gunna do some research.... I think I'm going to do that now.
Ta for now!
Ally <3


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